Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Blueprint

It’s Sunday, September 2nd.  I am Lance Pisowicz and this is Lance’s Weekly Walk!  At long last I am back on my Sunday blog.  I apologize that I haven’t been able to do any blogs these past few weeks.  Before we begin I have a couple of reminders for you.  If you haven’t yet, be sure to follow me at:  My Facebook page is also getting more attention as several of you have liked me there.  You can find it at:  Also a reminder for you to check out Lance Pisowicz Online (  From there you can access my Facebook and Twitter page, my Youtube channel, and everything to do with my blogs.  You can also fill out a prayer request there by clicking on the “Media” tab at the top of your page.  One last reminder for today and it’s a special one for this summer.  If you haven’t heard about the Ultimate Patriot competition and sweepstakes I encourage you to visit for more details.  There is a lot of great features and information about the event waiting for you there.  I hope you enjoy Lance’s Weekly Walk and everything there for you at Lance Pisowicz Online.

There were many important news stories last week that I would love to cover, but since this is my Sunday blog I try to look past partisan issues and keep the focus on Christ.  I will say this though.  On Friday evening I went and saw 2016:  Obama’s America and would like to give the writers, directors, and producers a shout-out.  It was a very well done documentary, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who has not seen it yet.

Yesterday I was fortunate enough to celebrate not only my youngest brother’s 11th birthday but also share the special day with my grandmother and her twin sister’s 82nd birthday.  My grandmother’s twin is from Tennessee but came up for the weekend to spend this special time with us all.  There was even an official announcement made to celebrate at Spring Mill State Park (in Mitchell, Indiana) next year for their 83rd, Lord willing.  We did the same thing when my grandma and grand aunt turned 80, two years ago.  My grandmother’s real birthday is not until Wednesday, but it was a special day nonetheless.  To think through the struggles and triumphs in her life, and yet praising God regardless of her circumstances can inspire us all.

My grandmother was born on September 5, 1930, just over ten months after the Stock Market Crash.  At the time my great-grandmother had just one son.  The surprise of twins must have been bittersweet.  How blessed she must have felt to be blessed with twin daughters, but now there was not just one more mouth to feed but two.

The Great Depression did not hold my great-grandparents back.  They went on to have six more children, and although my great-grandfather changed jobs often prior to World War II, the family managed better than most people at the time.  My great-grandmother took care of the home and her eight children.  She never stopped working her entire life.  She was what you’d call a workaholic, something my grandmother undoubtedly inherited.

Being one of the older children in the family meant that greater responsibilities were expected of my grandmother.  She was tasked with numerous chores that ranged from housework, to farm work (when the family lived on a farm), to caring for her younger siblings.  Not only did this help her family get by during her childhood, it also prepared her for the future.
My grandmother married my grandfather in January of 1951 after my grandfather returned from serving in Korea.  They had their first daughter in 1951.  They would have another six children (including twin boys who passed away in their infancy) concluding with my mother.  Even through the trials and tribulations of losing two of their sons before they truly got to know them, my grandparents remained strong in their faith.

God has blessed my grandmother with fifteen grandchildren and over sixteen great-grandchildren (with more certain to be on the way in the coming years).  Through my family’s modest roots individuals have succeeded in the fields of business, law, education, and most importantly their faith by following the blueprint left by my grandmother.

Her values of hard work, kindness, patience, perseverance, and faith in God have been echoed in my parents, aunts, uncle, cousins, and siblings.  I am no exception.   It just goes to show that having good parents will not only help a child but also help guide one’s descendants for many years to come.

Here’s a verse that I feel describes what my grandmother has followed since day one:  “Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.” - Proverbs 22:6

No matter what struggles have occurred in my grandmother’s life she has never allowed it to affect her trust in God.  I can only hope my grandchildren can say the same about me, but Lord willing they will.  As I finish high school, go off to college, and start my life in the outside world that’s just what I’ll do.  Follow grandma’s blueprint.

Thank you for joining me again today.  I hope you have enjoyed your time here, and I invite you to join me on Lance Pisowicz Online ( Thanks again. God bless you and have a great week!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

America's Backbone

It’s Sunday, July 22nd.  I am Lance Pisowicz and this is Lance’s Weekly Walk!  This will be my last blog before my vacation to Florida.  I will return on August 10th with my Friday blog, “What’s Wrong With Washington”.  Before we begin I have a couple of reminders for you.  If you haven’t yet, be sure to follow me at:  My Facebook page is also getting more attention as several of you have liked me there.  You can find it at:  Also a reminder for you to check out Lance Pisowicz Online (  From there you can access my Facebook and Twitter page, my Youtube channel, and everything to do with my blogs.  You can also fill out a prayer request there by clicking on the “Media” tab at the top of your page.  One last reminder for today and it’s a special one for this summer.  If you haven’t heard about the Ultimate Patriot competition and sweepstakes I encourage you to visit for more details.  There is a lot of great features and information about the event waiting for you there.  I hope you enjoy Lance’s Weekly Walk and everything there for you at Lance Pisowicz Online.

There is one key topic that I would like to highlight today.  I would like to examine what exactly makes Christianity different from the religions of this world.  Why is it so important that the United States stay true in principal to its Christian morals and values?

The answer is quite simple.  The fact is that true Christianity is not found in ritual or religion.  There are those who call themselves Christians because they go to church, read their Bible, or have prayed “a prayer” but the fact is that these people have not seen any change in their lifestyle or world view.  True Christianity is found in a relationship with Jesus Christ.  It is God reaching out to mankind rather than man trying to reach God on his own.

Unfortunately in today’s society there are many people out there who call themselves Christians based on ritual and religion.  They are sometimes among the strictest in these things, but are hypocrites in reality.

But when Christianity is found in its true form, it is the most beneficial influence government and society can have.  Patrick Henry puts it best in this quote:

“It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians, not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ!”

In other words when people are true to the Bible’s teachings and focus on relationship rather than religion, there is not a better influence structure than Christianity.  The ideas of helping those in need, loving one’s neighbor, and doing the right thing have been at the center of not just American ethics but global morals.

Whether I end up in the private or public sector, my relationship with Jesus Christ will always be a key factor in my decision making process.

“Lead me, O LORD, in your righteousness because of my enemies; make your way straight before me.” - Psalms 5:8
In addition to influencing my thought process, God also is the driving force behind my perseverance and resolve to do my best even when nobody else is watching.

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men. - Colossians 3:23

As Abraham Lincoln once said:

“My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right”

I think that just about sums up what the outlook of a true American leader needs to be.  Right in America’s backbone- a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Thank you for joining me again today.  I hope you have enjoyed your time here, and I invite you to join me on Lance Pisowicz Online (  I will see you all again with my Friday blog on August 10th.  I am off to Florida later on in the week, so hopefully I’ll be able to connect with you all on Twitter and Facebook during that time.  Thanks again. God bless you and have a great week!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Since I was in Alaska for ten days and have the report service tonight at church, I will not be presenting a full blog for today.  You can view my brief video that tells a little about the trip and gives updates on what's next for Lance Pisowicz Online at

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy Independence Day!

Since I will be leaving for Alaska in less than two days, I will not be presenting a full blog for today.  You can view my brief video of exciting news and a tribute to America's founding.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

This week I will not be presenting our normal "Lance's Weekly Walk." Instead I wanted to take a step back to honor our fathers on this very special day. I encourage you to watch my Father's Day Tribute on Youtube at: Also, next week I will not be presenting a "Lance's Weekly Walk" since I will be at a family reunion in Illinois. I do have a very special patriotic "Lance's Weekly Walk" planned for the next week, July 1st, just two days before I leave for Alaska. Thanks again and I hope you have a truly blessed Father's Day!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Ways of the Wise

Happy Sunday!  I am Lance Pisowicz and this is Lance’s Weekly Walk!  Today I was adamant about making a video for this blog since I missed last week.  However, the length of my blog and my video will be shorter since I have a meeting for my missions trip to Alaska I am taking next month.  Before we begin I have a couple of reminders for you.  If you haven’t yet, be sure to follow me at:  My Facebook page is also getting more attention as several of you have liked me there.  You can find it at:  Also a reminder for you to check out Lance Pisowicz Online (  From there you can access my Facebook and Twitter page, my Youtube channel, and everything to do with my blogs.  You can also fill out a prayer request there by clicking on the “Media” tab at the top of your page.  One last reminder for today and it’s a special one for this summer.  If you haven’t heard about the Ultimate Patriot competition and sweepstakes I encourage you to visit for more details.  There is a lot of great features and information about the event waiting for you there.  I hope you enjoy Lance’s Weekly Walk and everything there for you at Lance Pisowicz Online.

Today I am going to continue our series in regards to the role of the Christian family in America today.  Since I am presenting a shorter blog today, I will cover an issue that is affects a large percentage of American families - schooling.

As a Christian, a very common question asked is, “What type of schooling is best for my children?”

It is a very important decision that all parents will have to make.  The truth is, there is no answer that is right for every child.

That is the beauty of America.  Each parent has the right to select a method for their child’s schooling as long as they abide by certain curriculum standards.  The states are left to organize their own public education and standards for private schools and homeschools.

However, some individuals in government believe that all American children should be schooled in a uniform, set way.  The truth is, the diversity in students requires the methods of schooling to be just as diverse.

Public schooling has been the norm in the United States all the way back to the colonial days, however, in recent years these schools have become less attractive, particularly for Christians.  Today I will break down what type of schooling might be best for certain types of kids and I will offer a proposal to make our public schools a bit more attractive.

One of the fastest growing methods of education, particularly in Christian homes is homeschooling.  In 2007, approximately 1.5 million American children were homeschooled.  There are many benefits to this method, especially if your child meets the criteria.1

Although not attending an actual school building means less interaction with other kids the child’s age, less exposure to diverse ideas, and fewer extra-curricular opportunities, this option allows parents to have more control over what their child is taught and who they interact with, as compared to yielding that power to a school.  A child who has tried public or private school but is struggling with peer pressure or has fallen off track in their walk with the Lord would be good candidates for homeschooling. 

If you choose to homeschool, I would advise getting your child involved with a sport, club, or social activity to compensate for the loss of interaction with peers.  Also keep in mind that SAT and/or ACT scores will need to be higher in order to get into colleges without class rank or a nationally recognized school to earn you “points”.  I have never been homeschooled personally, but I have quite a few friends who love it.  They like the idea of setting their own hours and schedule.  Plus you can take a vacation whenever you want without conforming to a school corporation schedule.

Another option that has been “gaining steam” in recent years is private or Christian schooling.  As of 2006, approximately 6.1 million American children or 11% of students attended a private school.2  Again, this can be a great alternative to public schooling.

Some benefits are found in private schools with higher academic standards than nearby public schools.  Other benefits include a typically (but not always) smaller class size meaning more opportunities to rank high or participate in extra-curricular activities.  Also, a division of private schools like Christian schools can offer the curriculum you are looking for but in a classroom setting.

However, a drawback that might exist is a smaller graduating class that can help or hurt one’s college entrance chances and offer a smaller pool of peers to make friends with.  Private schools with lower standards than local public schools also are less attractive to colleges.

Private or Christian school can be a healthy alternative to public schooling if you are looking for a stronger curriculum or are seeking to place a better cloud of influence around your child.  I have many friends who attend private or Christian schools and they approve of their parents’ choices for them.

The most common option in the United States throughout history and to this day is public schooling.  In 2007 nearly 89% of American children attended a public school.3  Personally, I attend the fourth-largest high school in the state of Indiana.  We have over 3,200 students at my school in all.  I am in a class of nearly 900 other students, and I would be outright lying if I told you I know all of them.  So what are the benefits of public schooling?

If your child is able to cope with an influence group that may not always be friendly or supportive, then a public school is a good option, especially if your local public school is nationally recognized like mine.  Lots of competition earns me “points” for being near the top without having to be “#1”.  Public schooling can also prepare a student for the world after high school, like college and the working world.

The drawback of public school are pretty self-explanatory.  In some areas larger percentages of students are involved in drugs and/or gangs, some public schools have poor curriculum standards, and a student can feel lost in such a big world.

There are ways, however, that would make public schools more attractive to American families.  Presenting not only evolution but creationism would be an improvement that might convince Christian parents to send their kids to public schools.  Improving standards of education in the public schools could be done through states competing with one another.  By enacting these reforms, we could then present the American people with three terrific options for schooling their children.

I support a state’s right to regulate its public education and the rights of parents to determine how they should school their children.  A great Bible verse to keep in mind in regards to this topic is Proverbs 22:6.

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Thank you for joining me again today.  I hope you have enjoyed your time here, and I invite you to join me on Lance Pisowicz Online (  Be sure to join me later on this week for “What’s Wrong With Washington” and next Sunday as we cover an another great topic.  Thanks again. God bless you and have a great week!


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Three Key Elements

Today is Sunday June 3rd and this is Lance’s Weekly Walk! Today I’ll continue a series regarding the American Family and its role in developing the next generation, but first I’ve got a couple of quick announcements for you all. If you haven’t yet, be sure to follow me at: My Facebook page is also getting more attention as several of you have liked me there. You can find it at: Also a reminder for you to check out Lance Pisowicz Online ( From there you can access my Facebook and Twitter page, my Youtube channel, and everything to do with my blogs. You can also fill out a prayer request there by clicking on the “Media” tab at the top of your page. One last reminder for today and it’s a special one for this summer. If you haven’t heard about the Ultimate Patriot competition and sweepstakes I encourage you to visit for more details. There is a lot of great features and information about the event waiting for you there. I hope you enjoy Lance’s Weekly Walk and everything there for you at Lance Pisowicz Online. Although I did not have time to post a video for this Weekly Walk, I do have several key points I want to highlight since we took a break from this series last week to honor our heroes with a Memorial Day tribute. Today we’ll take a look at who the ideal American family is and analyze this proposal a bit more. The model American family has been portrayed throughout history in a relatively similar way. Whether one considers a mother’s role as described in the idea of Republican Motherhood or looks at the model suburban family in the 1950s, generally the same thing is portrayed. The family consists of a father who makes the living in one way or another, a mother who stays at home and maintains the household, and children who attend the local public school. While there is nothing wrong with this ideal American family, history has shown that families can come in all shapes and sizes and still be just as patriotic as a “model” family. In America today, there are more single parent homes, generally less children in each household, and millions of American women have jobs as well as their duties at home. The American family has experienced many changes in the last fifty years or so, but they don’t necessarily have to have negative outcomes. While divorce is not a desired experience, it is often present in the increasingly complicated world we live in. Fewer children are born to each family as households tend to be in suburbs as opposed to rural farms. In fact, the average number of children per married couple is just 1.96.1 With the rising costs of living and changing social landscape, millions of women have chosen to pursue opportunities outside of the home and begin working. But even with these changes, the American family has the potential to maintain its level of positive influence it has on the nation and the next generation. The keys to making a positive influence on the next generation are found in many different elements, but I would like to highlight three of the most important. Example is one of the greatest ways to be a positive influence in a young person’s life. When a teenager or adult chooses to be honest or to help someone in need, a child is then able to see exactly how it is done. Many children are visual learners and pick up best from example. Encouragement is another key element to the fight to create a better future. When a young person does something well, they should be praised and applauded for it. This is not done to make the child arrogant, but rather encourage the repetition and expansion of such positive behavior. The final element I want to recognize is the most important. Faith and trust in God to lead you as a parent or mentor is the greatest way to insure you are a positive influence. When you have a concern lift it up to the Lord in prayer and He will direct your path. Matthew 7:7 says: ”Ask, and it will be given to you seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Regardless of what your concern is, the Lord is there to help you. Remember, you are one of the most important influences a young person will have. You hold the key to a better future. Genesis 22:18 tells us: “And in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because you have obeyed my voice.” Thank you for joining me again today. I hope you have enjoyed your time here, and I invite you to join me on Lance Pisowicz Online ( Be sure to join me later on this week for “What’s Wrong With Washington” and next Sunday as we cover an another great topic. Thanks again. God bless you and have a great week! Sources: 1.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Honoring Our Heroes

Hello I am Lance Pisowicz and this usually is “Lance’s Weekly Walk”.  I hope you are having a great Memorial Day Weekend.  I know I am, even if I have final exams to study for.  I actually just got off of work, so I’m going to cut to the chase.  Before I do that, just a quick reminder that my Ultimate Patriot Competition will begin in about a week.  I’m hoping to have a promo commercial done for that soon.  Lots of great American patriots from many political and social landscapes, and you will have a say in crowning our “Ultimate Patriot”.  I hope you are looking forward to that.

Due to the busyness with finals and the Memorial Day Weekend, I thought I would step back this weekend and present something special.  I knew I would not have the time to prepare a full blog for “What’s Wrong With Washington” nor “Lance’s Weekly Walk” so I have prepared a short photo montage to honor our nation’s heroes who gave the ultimate sacrifice in preserving our freedom.  Whether it was my 4th Great-Grandfather, C.C. (Comfort Carpenter) Walker who died of disease during the winter of 1862 or a soldier who died yesterday in Afghanistan, one thing is for certain we must remember those who gave to a cause greater than themselves.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Pivotal Role

Today is Sunday May 20th  and this is Lance’s Weekly Walk!  Today we’ll begin a new series regarding the American Family and its role in developing the next generation, but first I’ve got a couple of quick announcements for you all.  If you haven’t yet, be sure to follow me at:  My Facebook page is also getting more attention as several of you have liked me there.  You can find it at:  Also a reminder for you to check out Lance Pisowicz Online (  From there you can access my Facebook and Twitter page, my Youtube channel, and everything to do with my blogs.  You can also fill out a prayer request there by clicking on the “Media” tab at the top of your page.  I hope you enjoy Lance’s Weekly Walk and everything there for you at Lance Pisowicz Online.

As I said today we will look into exactly what the American family’s role is in shaping the next generation.  Our objective for today is to take a look at who should be the greatest influence in a child’s life.

When one thinks of a government, often the group that gets together in Washington, D.C. comes to mind.  However, although the federal government may be our largest government, they are not the only ones making the rules.  Below them are fifty state governments each with their own authorities.  If one were to look even deeper, he would notice that there are countless county and city/town governments that make their own rules as well.  But often the most overlooked government is found right at home.  Typically, they have planned meetings, but they hold the key to America’s future.

The home government may not take in taxes or regulate international trade, but they do something all the more important.  They will determine where the United States will be ten, twenty, or fifty years down the road.

Parents have the potential to determine a child’s moral standards, values, and outlook on life.  They have an unparalleled level of control regarding how a child is taught to speak, act, and essentially think.  If a parent condones lying, cheating, and stealing, then the child in essence has a greater potential to take part in these actions than a child brought up in a morally sound home would.

Children are also taught by their parents’ actions.  If there is disrespect and marital strife in the home, then the child may struggle with the same issues when he is an adult.  On the other hand, if a child is taught to love the Lord, respect his wife and children, and be a good steward of money, he is on a better path to do so when he becomes an adult himself.

Now you may be thinking that I might be over-embellishing the role of the American family.  Well, let’s think about this.  Typically, who has the greatest level of influence in a child’s life?  Throughout the history of our nation, parents have often held that prestigious position.

Until the last fifty years or so, a child went to school, but when they came home they helped out with chores around the house/farm, ate dinner with the rest of the family, and spent the evening at home.  Although teenagers did go out with friends, they typically spent more time with their parents and siblings then teenagers do today.

But in today’s day and age, the American family is spending less and less time with one another.  Along with school, the homework schedule for kids has become more rigorous and social activities “eat up” even more family time.

In 2003, 24% of American families reported eating dinner together three or fewer times a week.1  When they do eat together, who is to say that a television, iPod, or Kindle is not in front of them.  In fact, one out of every three families eat in front of the television.2

Obviously this has decreased the level of influence parents have in their children’s lives.  So who as a result is replacing their influence?  Now teachers, coaches, and other adults are playing a greater role in who a child becomes as an adult.3

There is nothing wrong with attending public school, playing sports, or being in another social group, but when they begin to replace parents as the key influences in the lives of children, parents have the right and the reason to take back control.

At the end of the day, they are your children and you are the person who has their best interest in mind.  What you say goes, and nobody else can tell you how to raise your kids.  God is the only person you are subject to, and He has your and their best interest in mind. 

A great solution my family has to this problem, is my dad coaches my brothers’ and my sports teams and is very involved in our lives.  My mother provides the support structure at home, and she also plays a crucial role in our social activities, such as volunteering to help as a room-parent.  Both of my parents are also involved in our church activities for AWANA, Vacation Bible School, and Youth Group.  If you are a parent, find out how you can get involved and do it!  Even if you are very busy with work, just making the time to eat a meal with your child will have a positive impact on them.

Proverbs 22:6 says:

“Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.” (NLT)

God has chosen you for a very important role:  to be a parent.  If you are not a parent yet or will never be, He also has an important role for you.  Be a positive influence in a young person’s life.  Help parents by reinforcing godly teachings.  Remember, you can always call upon your Heavenly Father for guidance yourself.

Thank you for joining me again today.  I hope you have enjoyed your time here, and I invite you to join me on Lance Pisowicz Online (  Also be sure to go to our online form if you wish to share your thoughts on this show or What’s Wrong With Washington” (  Be sure to join me later on this week for “What’s Wrong With Washington” and next Sunday as we cover an another great topic.  Thanks again. God bless you and have a great week!




Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

This week I will not be presenting our normal "Lance's Weekly Walk." Instead I wanted to take a step back to honor our mothers on this very special day. I encourage you to watch my Mothers' Day Tribute on Youtube at:

Also, next week I will begin a series regarding Family Foundations. We will be taking a look at the elements of a strong, successful family at home and how it translates into a more successful community and nation. I hope you will join me for that. Thanks again and I hope you have a truly blessed Mothers' Day!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Educational Equality

Today is Sunday May 6, 2012 and this is Lance’s Weekly Walk!  Today we’ll take a look at whether Evolution has any more right to be taught in public schools than Creationsim, but first I’ve got a couple of quick announcements for you all.  If you haven’t yet, be sure to follow me at:  My Facebook page is also getting more attention as several of you have liked me there.  You can find it at:  Also a reminder for you to check out Lance Pisowicz Online (  From there you can access my Facebook and Twitter page, my Youtube channel, and everything to do with my blogs.  You can also fill out a prayer request there by clicking on the “Media” tab at the top of your page.  I hope you enjoy Lance’s Weekly Walk and everything there for you at Lance Pisowicz Online.

As I said today we will take a look at whether or not Evolution has any more right to be taught in public schools than Creationism does.  We’ve got plenty to get to, so let’s begin!

First of all, we must realize that evolution is by no means a flawless scientific law. It is merely a theory.  Let’s take a look at the basic ideas of evolution.  As many of you are aware, evolution is an idea that began in the early 1800s.  However, the man who really made the theory take off was a man named Charles Darwin, a scientist from Great Britain.1  The basis of the ideology is centered around the theme of natural selection and “survival of the fittest”.

However, there has been a legend since the 1880s that Darwin renounced evolution on his deathbed (probably in fear of what was to come after death).2  I guess we won’t know if Charles accepted Christ or not until we go to be with the Lord ourselves.

But even if Darwin did not renounce evolution himself, other scientific discoveries have.  Take Louis Pasteur’s disproving of spontaneous generation for example.  According to author Lee Strobel (a former atheist turned Christian), Darwin’s theory of evolution included the belief that living organism could arise from non-living things in the right environment and right amount of time.3

Pasteur, an opponent of evolution preformed his broth boiling experiment that disproved the idea of spontaneous generation.  Even before Pasteur, Italian scientist Francisco Redi had disproved evolution with his Meat and Flies experiment in 1668.4

So Mr. Darwin, if maggots cannot come from spoiled meat, how could you suggest that an entire world full of distinct organisms could come from nothing?  Your so-called “facts” simply do not add up.  How could you say there is not a greater being who created this universe?

Also, never before has one experienced a dramatic case of “evolution”.  Sure things change over time in minor ways, like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, but even then, these changes are not passed down to their offspring.

Obviously children will resemble their parents, and in time, this leads to a diversity of people, but to say that entirely new species are created from it is absurd.
You see, evolution is not a perfect scientific law.  In fact, it is more fallible than it is correct.  The theory itself has only been around for about two hundred years, so know we’ll compare that with one that’s been around six thousand years, roughly 3000% longer.

Although I believe that the Bible is an entirely infallible and perfect book, and that it truly is the Word of God, there are some in our society today who claim to find faults with it.  I’m sure we’ve found just as many issues with their young theory of evolution.

But, I shared a quote last week that I think applies nicely to this week’s topic as well.

“(Evolution) has in recent years been challenged in the world of science and is not yet believed in the scientific community to be as infallible as it once was believed.  But if it was going to be taught in the schools, then I think that also the biblical theory of creation, which is not a theory but the biblical story of creation, should also be taught.” - Ronald Reagan

If you know the history of evolution you are likely aware of the 1925 court case:  The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes (also known as the “Scopes Monkey Trial”).5  Although the court ruled against John Scopes being allowed to teach evolution in his public school classroom, it eventually stirred up politically correct politicians enough to allow it.

Eventually evolution became the sole theory taught in a majority of public schools in the nation, because it claimed to be the elite belief.  However, to me, Creationism, a six thousand year old idea with scientific support is the elite belief. offers five valid points to the scientific proof of God here they are:6

  • First, the non-existence of God cannot be proven. One cannot prove a universal negative. Alternatively, the existence of God is provable.

  • The concept, design, and intricate details of our world necessitate an intelligent designer.

  • Both direct and indirect evidence for God’s existence are well known and well documented. Nothing in history is better known or better documented than the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We even use the year of His birth as the basis for our calendar. He perfectly matched the over 100 unique Messianic prophecies in the Old Testament regarding His birth, life, death, and resurrection. The laws of probability cannot give us a reasonable explanation for either the Messianic predictions or the resurrection, let alone both by the same person.

  • Jesus’ miracles were witnessed by many and were documented redundantly for additional corroboration. He was seen by at least 500 people after His resurrection. He was seen ascending into heaven. His transfiguration was seen by Peter, James, and John. His wisdom in dealing with many circumstances was astounding. He never promoted Himself or His miracles. C. S. Lewis stated that He couldn’t have just been a good teacher. He was either a liar, lunatic, or Lord. He didn’t even come close to meeting the profile of a liar or lunatic, so He had to be God.

  • Jesus Christ also supported the truth of the Old Testament and quoted it many times. Consequently, with Jesus Christ, we have an eyewitness to the truth of the Old Testament. This gives credibility to the creation account and God’s interaction with man. The entire Old Testament account is about how God is trying to have a relationship with man while man is separating himself from God by sin. It tells how God is long-suffering and merciful and ultimately how God sent His Son to die for our sins so God could ultimately have a relationship with us.

For those who still argue God’s existence or the proof of Creationism, you will simply have to believe or be judged in the end.

In the meantime, I have a proposition for America.  God gave us all the free will to either believe in Him and receive salvation or decline him and face eternal judgment.  In the United States we offer that same choice to everyone.  You can decide what you believe for yourself.  Both creationism and evolution are theories.  Both Christianity and Atheism are belief sets.  So why not make the option of choice readily available to our children in public schools?

Christians have nothing to lose by this.  The politically correct “revolution” has already stripped our children of education in Creationism.  Atheists should feel like they have nothing to lose.  If they do not want to go up against creationism head-on, I guess that indicates fear and a lack of belief in their theory.

I shared a quote last week that I think applies nicely to this week’s topic as well.

“(Evolution) has in recent years been challenged in the world of science and is not yet believed in the scientific community to be as infallible as it once was believed.  But if it was going to be taught in the schools, then I think that also the biblical theory of creation, which is not a theory but the biblical story of creation, should also be taught.” - Ronald Reagan

I agree with President Reagan (who was a Presbyterian).  As a born-again Christian, I do not see the Bible as a theory but as the truth.

Others may not see it that way, and that is fine.  This is the United States of America and every person is entitled to his or her own opinion.  I will offer what I believe is the truth and if it is declined, then it is their loss.  But unless Creationism is taught in public schools, the Left simply contradicted itself and its claims in “being fair to all.”

Thank you for joining me again today.  I hope you have enjoyed your time here, and I invite you to join me on Lance Pisowicz Online (  Also be sure to go to our online form if you wish to share your thoughts on this show or What’s Wrong With Washington” (  Be sure to join me later on this week for “What’s Wrong With Washington” and next Sunday as we cover an another great topic.  Thanks again. God bless you and have a great week!



  1. The Case For Faith (Strobel, Lee)




Sunday, April 29, 2012

Christianity’s Role in America Part 3: True to the Foundation

It’s Sunday and it’s time for Lance’s Weekly Walk!  Today we conclude our series on “Christianity’s Role in America”. But before we do that, I’ve got a couple of quick announcements to make.  I’ve gotten more involved with my Twitter account lately.  I’ve gotten over 1250 followers in just over two weeks.  It’s been a pleasure meeting so many of you.  If you haven’t yet, be sure to follow me at:  My Facebook page is also getting more attention as several of you have liked me there.  You can find it at:  Also a reminder for you to check out Lance Pisowicz Online (www.wix.comlancejp/online).  From there you can access my Facebook and Twitter page, my Youtube channel, and everything to do with my blogs.  You can also fill out a prayer request there by clicking on the “Media” tab at the top of your page.  I hope you enjoy Lance’s Weekly Walk and everything there for you at Lance Pisowicz Online.

As I just said we are completing our series on “Christianity’s Role in America” with our third installment regarding where Christianity is in our nation today.

Last week we established the fact that our nation continued to on a path supported by godly men in women, both those in power and those from more humble backgrounds.  So, the final question remains, what does Christianity mean to America today?

To begin, we will jump back about 30 years to the presidency of Ronald Reagan.  “The Great Communicator” was one of the greatest American presidents of all time, thanks to not only his personality but also the way he performed his job.

Regan once said, “Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face.”

I completely agree with that statement.  The Bible covers everything from how one should try his parents, wife, and children to how to be a good steward of His money to how one should respect authority as long as it does not directly conflict with His law.

Reagan also believed that Creationism should be taught in public schools along with Evolution, so as to present both views in a fair manner.  He understood that Evolution was based on beliefs, just like Christianity.  It was simply believed by those who claimed to “know more”.  Here’s one of his quotes about the prospect of teaching creationism:

“(Evolution) has in recent years been challenged in the world of science and is not yet believed in the scientific community to be as infallible as it once was believed.  But if it was going to be taught in the schools, then I think that also the biblical theory of creation, which is not a theory but the biblical story of creation, should also be taught.” - Ronald Reagan

I agree with President Reagan (who was a Presbyterian).  As a born-again Christian, I do not see the Bible as a theory but as the truth.

Although there are larger numbers of people in the United States who believe in other gods or no gods at all, America’s foundation is still on Christian principles.  Aside from the statistics that shows 78% of Americans identify themselves as Christians, there are certain individuals who publicly live out their faith.  Take NFL quarterback Tim Tebow for example.  Here’s a short video regarding the New York Jets’ quarterback’s faith.

Tim Tebow has been a great role model for millions of football fans during his days in college and now in the National Football League.  There have also been men in politics since Ronald Reagan who have been a shining light for Christ in their jobs.

One of those men is Mike Huckabee, a former pastor, Governor of Arkansas, and presidential candidate.  He currently hosts a weekend show on Fox News.  Although he has been criticized for his Evangelical and Conservative values, and the idea of “Doing the Right Thing” (actually a title for one of the books he has written), Huckabee is a shining example of what an American leader should be.  Here’s what Huckabee has to say about America’s foundation.

“When our founding fathers put their signatures on the Declaration of Independence, those 56 brave people, most of whom by the way were clergymen, they said that we had certain inalienable rights given to us by our Creator.” - Mike Huckabee

One of those fifty-six men was my seventh-great grandfather, Abraham Clark who was a deeply committed Christian himself.  He was a delegate from New Jersey who had two sons serve in the Continental Army.  One of the sons, Captain Clark was imprisoned on a British ship and received his only food and water through a key hole in the door to the room where he was being held.  Eventually his son was released, but this is just an example of the many sacrifices he, the other 55 signers of the Declaration of Independence, and all of the colonists made during this time.

Now we come to the present.  229 years after the revolution ended, Abraham Clark’s seventh great-grandson is here, talking about the same principles he did.  Many things have changed during those two hundred plus years but one thing has not and that is America’s foundation.

I feel it is my duty to continue the fight for a stronger nation, a freer society, and a brighter future of the Americans of tomorrow.  I still believe in simple government, the rights of the people, and a just God who provides for His people.  I hope you’ll join me in this fight, as we look to stay true to our nation’s beginnings.

It was the cause another one of my ancestors, my sixth great-grandfather, Henry Miller believed in though he suffered through a cold winter at Valley Forge in order to achieve it.  Little did he know that his story would inspire us all more than two hundred years later.

I conclude with two final quotes from the men we have talked about today.

“Our freedom is tied to our individual souls, a gift from God, not from government.” - Mike Huckabee

“We are never defeated unless we give up on God.” - Ronald Reagan

Thank you for joining me again today.  I hope you have enjoyed your time here, and I invite you to join me on Lance Pisowicz Online (  Also be sure to go to our online form if you wish to share your thoughts on this show or What’s Wrong With Washington” (  Be sure to join me later on this week for “What’s Wrong With Washington” and next Sunday as we cover an all-new topic to be announced.  Thanks again. God bless you and have a great week!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Christianity’s Role in America Part 2: Surviving and Thriving

Happy Sunday and welcome to Lance’s Weekly Walk! Today we will jump right on into Part 2 of our “Christianity’s Role In America” series, but I’ve got a couple of quick announcements to make. I’ve gotten more involved with my Twitter account lately. Over 650 followers in just over a week. It’s been a pleasure meeting so many of you. If you haven’t yet, be sure to follow me at: My Facebook page is also getting more attention with my new custom address: Also, a reminder to check out Lance Pisowicz Online (www.wix.comlancejp/online). From there you can access my Facebook and Twitter page, my Youtube channel, and everything to do with my blogs. You can also fill out a prayer request there by clicking on the “Media” tab at the top of your page. I hope you enjoy Lance’s Weekly Walk and everything there for you at Lance Pisowicz Online.

As I just said we are continuing our series on “Christianity’s Role in America” with our second installment regarding how faith in God survived and thrived throughout the 19th and 20th century.

Last week we established the fact that our nation was founded by godly men with godly principles, but the question remains: How long did it take for Christianity to become distilled in America, or did it become distilled at all?

Let’s take a brief look back in our nation’s history. If you’ve studied American history you are aware of the term “Great Awakening.” The Great Awakening was a revival of Christian faith that swept the entire nation. In fact there were two of them, the first one occurring in the 1730s and 1740s, and the second beginning in the early 1800s and lasting well into the second half of that century. So what was the impact of these revivals? Were they truly morally changing or were they just acts?

Well there is sufficient evidence to say that both Great Awakenings were legitimate successes. Preachers like George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards used their God given abilities to impact the lives of many Americans. A significantly large percentage of the population experienced the effects of the First Great Awakening and began going to church again as a result. Even though church does not provide salvation in itself, it opened the door for thousands of people to come back to Christ.

But since I have set aside today to discuss the 19th and 20th centuries, we will focus on the Second Great Awakening. Many historians would argue that this revival had even more of an impact on American society for several reasons.

To begin with, its duration was more than a ten to twenty year period. In fact, some experts would say it lasted as many as seventy years. For many it brought about a better opinion of women, inspired a more family-based household, and it moved many abolitionists to seek an end to the injustice of slavery. The Second Great Awakening truly brought about a great revival for our nation. But the story does not stop there.

No, our nation was far from being through with the Christian faith. Even in the Guilded Age and the years preceding World War I, America, millions of her people, and many of her leaders were still trusting in God. The solutions to societal problems that previous generations had brought but had not enacted, moved some of the nation’s most powerful men and women to take action. Here’s the ending of a 1912 campaign speech by President Theodore Roosevelt.

Whether this was just a promotional maneuver or a genuine statement by Teddy Roosevelt may never be known. To me, “TR” was a pretty sincere guy, so I guess we need to take that statement to heart. Armageddon may not have come in his time, but I am confident that the end times are in our time.

If that were not enough to proven America’s still earnest devotion to God, then the adding of these lines to the Pledge of Allegiance in the 1950s by President Eisenhower truly do:

“One nation, under God.” - United States Pledge of Allegiance

The addition of these lines stemmed from an effort to ward off the possibility of an atheist-communist state, such as the Soviet Union.

Our idea of freedom comes from God. He gave us the free will to choose to submit to sin or to follow Him and be saved by His mercy and grace. The United States did not want to become like the Soviet Union for that very reason. We wanted to preserve freedom.

That is why Christianity has been the backbone of American ideals since the start. It has been present in every generation and every situation.

Next week we will conclude our series on “Christianity’s Role in America” with our Third Part regarding where Christianity is in America today. I hope you’ll join me for that.

That is all the time we have for today. Thank you for joining me again today. I hope you have enjoyed your time here, and I invite you to join me on Lance Pisowicz Online ( Also be sure to go to our online form if you wish to share your thoughts on this show or What’s Wrong With Washington” ( Be sure to join me later on this week for “What’s Wrong With Washington” and next Sunday as we continue with third part of this new series. Thanks again. God bless you all and enjoy the rest of your day!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Christianity’s Role in America Part 1: The Founders’ Faith

Welcome back to Lance’s Weekly Walk! I’ve missed you guys these past four months. It seems like Christmas came, and the rest of the holiday season went by so quick with non-stop activity. After that I had finals at school and the early part of my second semester of school often would keep me busy with homework from the time I got home until just before I went to bed. Oh well, I guess all this hard work is good preparation for my future. My family and I went on a wonderful vacation to the Big Island of Hawaii over Spring Break, and I came home refreshed and with a new resolve to get back to what I loved to do: my blogs. Sometimes it will be difficult, and I may not always be able to post both a written blog and a video, but I have made a commitment to post something worthwhile at least once a week. I’ve also gotten more involved with my Twitter account lately. Be sure to follow me at: Also, a reminder to check out Lance Pisowicz Online (www.wix.comlancejp/online). From there you can access my Facebook and Twitter page, my Youtube channel, and everything to do with my blogs. You can also fill out a prayer request there by clicking on the “Media” tab at the top of your page. I hope you enjoy Lance’s Weekly Walk and everything there for you at Lance Pisowicz Online.

Today there I will begin a new series with the focus on a topic that I think is at heart for many of us. What does being a Christian and being an American have in common? Are the two intertwined or are they entirely different entities? This will be a three part series that I will present on Sunday for the next three weeks. I hope you enjoy it.

As many of you are aware, I am a very involved Conservative both morally and fiscally, yet I am a deeply committed Christian, with Jesus Christ at the center of my life. Now many Americans today would suggest that Christianity has no place in our government. “America is and always has been a secular nation,” they say. So let’s begin with my first question, was America founded on godly principles?

Well to answer that I thought I would share a few statistics with you. As we all know, Plymouth Colony (one of America’s first English colonies) was undertaking by the Pilgrims, very devout Christians. The Mayflower Compact, one of the key documents to influence the Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution was signed by two of my 12th great-grandfathers, Thomas Rogers and John Goodman. Now here I am, 392 years later, still believing in God and fighting to protect our greatest inheritance from them, a land of liberty where we can worship Jesus Christ and follow our dreams freely.

Now let’s move to the early years of the United States of America itself. Over 95 percent of the nation was Protestant at the time of the first United States Census in 1790. Nearly all of the other 5 percent was Roman-Catholic, so to say America was never a Christian nation is absolutely preposterous to begin with. Nearly all of America was Christian by religion if nothing else.

Let’s back that up a minute. I will concede this: just because you are religious does not mean you are a true Christian. However, there is proof that our nation was founded by men who actually had a deep relationship in Jesus Christ.

Here’s a few quotes by our founding fathers:

“…To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of Christian." - George Washington

“God who gave us life gave us liberty.” - Thomas Jefferson

“I believe in one God, the Creator of the Universe. That He governs it by His Providence. That He ought to be worshipped.” - Benjamin Franklin

According to the video I am about to show you, agnostics and atheists try to claim that these were secular men. Even if they were the least religious of the founding fathers, there is no doubt that they were devout in their faith. These men simply believed in freedom of religion for all, even if they did not agree with others’ beliefs. Here’s a clip from Glenn Beck of Fox News about it.

So now that we proven that America was established by Christians, our next step will be to take a look at whether this trend continued with American history. Next week we will take a look at Christianity in America in the 19th and 20th century as we continue my new series on Christianity’s role in America.

That is all the time we have for today. Thank you for joining me again today. I hope you have enjoyed your time here, and I invite you to join me on Lance Pisowicz Online ( Also be sure to go to our online form if you wish to share your thoughts on this show or What’s Wrong With Washington” ( Be sure to join me later on this week for “What’s Wrong With Washington” and next Sunday as we continue with my second part of this new series. Thank you again. God bless you and have a great week!